Welcome to Exercise Tiger Memorial

This organization is supported by the American families and veteran survivors, along with Honorary Director, Laurie Bolton, whose uncle died on board LST 531. Dean Small is the Director of Exercise Tiger Memorial, Ltd. and is Ken’s son.

We are the official resource to enable American family members to obtain information about their loved ones and maintain contact with each other, along with the Exercise Tiger Veterans. 

Donations to Exercise Tiger Memorial, Ltd. for the maintenance and repairs of the Sherman Tank are greatly welcomed. 
Please go to the end of this page if you wish to make a donation.

The official Annual Memorial Service for Exercise Tiger is held on the nearest Sunday in April to the 28th
at the Tank Memorial Site in South Devon, Torcross, Slapton Sands, England, and is conducted
by The Royal Tank Regiment Association


Our heartfelt thanks to Chris Collins for his time and talent in designing our website.

See the LINK below for the complete and updated Exericse Tiger Vimeo Channel