Our website was created to help the family members of those who died and participated in Exercise Tiger. Dean Small, son of the late Ken Small, continues with his father's legacy. We are endorsed by the survivors and the families.
U. S. Flag raised at Tank in honor of Memorial Day in the USA
Submitted by Laurie on Mon, 25/05/2015 - 09:49
Our hearfelt thanks to Dean Small, who raised the American & British flags
at the Sherman Tank Site on Memorial Day, May 25, 2015, in honor of those who served and died in the United States military.
We wish to thank the Stokenham Parish Council for their
generous donation of British and American flags for the
Sherman Tank Memorial Site.
The new flags were in place for the 71st anniversary memorial service,
which was held on April 26, 2015. The photograph above was taken
on the actual anniversary day of April 28, 2015.