75th Anniversary Lyme Bay Excursion


Heartfelt Thanks to the Royal Navy, 
Commander Steve Henaghen, and the
officers and crew of the HMS Exploit and HMS Smiter
for our excursion to Lyme Bay on April 30, 2019,
to pay tribute to our lost loved ones
who are at rest on the seabed with LST 507 & LST 531

Photos by:  Chris Kirsten, Dean Small, Dr. Harry Bennett, Laurie Bolton, Paul Potgieter

Family Members with Royal Navy Officers
Pictued:  James Marcus, Joseph Marcus, John Lupp, Laurie Bolton, Debbie Ellis, 
Julie Marcus, Denise Lupp, Sarah Lupp Russell, Annelle Reynolds

Our British Friends - Pictured:  Chris Kirsten, Dr. Harry Bennett, Kevin & Alex Wheatcroft, 
Dean & Sarah Small, Steve & Sally Mutton with Officers from the HMS Exploit

Preparing to board the HMS Smiter & HMS Exploit

HMS Smiter

HMS Exploit

HMS Exploit - Making our way through Dartmouth Harbor

HMS Smiter approaching Dartmouth Castle 

Dartmouth Castle

Family Members, Friends & Crew on board HMS Smiter

Officers piloting HMS Exploit

Vessels at sea to Lyme Bay 

View as the HMS Smiter leaves Dartmouth

Raising the American Flag on board the HMS Exploit

HMS Exploit after the Stars & Stripes were Raised

Arriving at coordinates of LST 531

Preparing to Lay Wreath and Roses from the HMS Exploit

HMS Smiter in Position for Wreath and Roses

Officer Reading Order of Service


HMS Smiter In position over LST 507

Roses for those lost on LST 507


Playing of TAPS by John Lupp

HMS Exploit leaving for the 3-1/2 hour return journey to Dartmouth

HMS Smiter as seen from HMS Exploit


Back in Dartmouth Habor passing by the Royal Castle Hotel


Britannia Royal Naval College

Returning to Admiralty Jetty, BRNC Dartmouth 

Crew of the HMS Smiter positioning at the Admiralty Jetty

The end of a very moving journey to Lyme Bay